
Post-Jordanism: noun- The artistic (cultural?) movement which began in late 2011. Works within this deal with themes of existential crisis, identity crisis, posttraumatic stress disorder, the state of being broken, intrusive thoughts of (non)existent(?) memory, the morbid preoccupation with suicide, grief, uncontrollable emotion, and darkness as a simple abstract concept. ex. 1: "Kill me."

Friday, June 8, 2012

The Best Quote Ever

This is why I am in love with alliterator's writing:

ROWLAND: There will come a time when the Tower will emerge into this world. When it will remake this world. When all things will become part of the Tower. The Tower will be all that there is.

CLOUD: You're talking about the end of the world.

ROWLAND: Yes. The end of your world.

CLOUD: And why are you telling me this?

ROWLAND: The Tower is not the only one waiting. The Tower will be born, but there are others that wish to arrive first. That want to change the world in accordance with their vision. It is just a matter of time. Our apocalypse versus theirs.

CLOUD: Whose?

ROWLAND: The Night Owls.
This is from The Supernatural Anaesthetist, which is but one blog in the greater Topography Genera collective. The thing is, the entire conversation was presented in audio format. And the quoted section seriously gave me goosebumps. oWe;

I mean, I guess it helps that Topography Genera is my story. But I really don't know what alliterator's gonna post in The Supernatural Anaesthetist, and it often turns out to be something fantastic like this. And I guess this gave me goosebumps because it talks about concepts that I do kinda know the spoilers to. Like the Night Owls, the apocalypse, the.. well, everything.

Either way. alliterator is one hell of a great writer.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog! And this is such a nice post. I've been looking for some of the best quotes ever that I include to my favorites and I found some here, thanks to you. Keep it up!

    Regina xxxx
