
Post-Jordanism: noun- The artistic (cultural?) movement which began in late 2011. Works within this deal with themes of existential crisis, identity crisis, posttraumatic stress disorder, the state of being broken, intrusive thoughts of (non)existent(?) memory, the morbid preoccupation with suicide, grief, uncontrollable emotion, and darkness as a simple abstract concept. ex. 1: "Kill me."

Saturday, September 20, 2014

What's EATing Jordan Dooling?

To put a long story short, I can't handle this. Communication right now would be, no pun intended, suicide. Let me do it for you. Let me take that burden off your shoulders, just as I've had to take everything so far. Stunted growth to shoot birds in the clouds.


Why can't I think?

AAAAAAAA (Cycle of A's)

. wd .ei

JordanAAAAA /English tll ?

JordaneiAAAAA /English /Jordan
Fuck you for wanting it.


... AAAAA? AAAAAJordan|

. = /Jordan.

Saturday, May 24, 2014


Here is how I have been, in video:

I acted in The Good, The Bad, and The Hungry, playing the part of Anton. I also contributed to the editing process.

I have been hard at work on a series called Hobo Who, which I wrote and have been trying to significantly help produce. These two videos are a part of a somewhat separate series titled Hobo Who Confidential, which labels itself as the making of the eponymous series (which is not even out yet) but, in practice, functions more like that of a post-Surrealist skit series.

..wow, for once I used a term like "post-Surrealist" correctly and with no pretense behind it beyond description. I'm proud of myself.

Other than that, I've been down the worst paths of my life (and I keep topping that) as well as the best paths of my life (thankfully also topping that).
